Friday 28 November 2014

How Fast/Far?

Today, we brought Jeshua out to buy dinner nearby. Wifey held his left hand while I held his right. Instead of walking forward consistently, my little boy walked a few steps, stopped and looked at the ground cheekily. These happened a couple of times. As such, I couldn't walk at the speed that I would like him to walk. I, too, couldn't move forward as I had to slow down to match his pace (or pauses).

I realised at that moment that God the Father would have desired that we move together with Him at the pace which His kingdom would keep advancing AND that we would reach our destiny according to His plan. He couldn't take us as fast/far as He would like to if we keep pausing to do what we want. He would match our pace, yet hoping that we would move with His.

How fast/far we want to move in the kingdom and into our destiny depends on our willingness to move in step with Him and not allow ourselves to be distracted.

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