Monday 24 November 2014

Well-Being, Not Well-Doing

Jeshua had diarrhoea for the first two days of our trip to Taipei. On the third day, he was down with bad hives all over his face, arms, legs and body. It was likely a food allergy.

We had to cancel our itinerary plans for four days (out of seven days) as he was unwell.

I realised that I had to lay down whatever desires I had pertaining to this Taipei trip for him. I also couldn't bring him to various places that I would like him to go. All for his well-being. It dawned on me that he is the only precious son I have and he deserves to be placed as priority over the trip.

Though God the Father would like us to 'go with Him' (partner with Him) to release His kingdom and do His works, He is more concerned over our well-being than what He wants us to do.

God's heart is always FOR us.

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