Sunday 23 November 2014

Consciousness Of Righteousness

Romans 7:5 (AMP) - When we were living in the flesh (mere physical lives), the sinful passions that were awakened and aroused up by [what] the Law [makes sin] were constantly operating in our natural powers (in our bodily organs, in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh), so that we bore fruit for death.

Was reading Romans 7 this morning and it dawned on me that I should father Jeshua according to this: what would lead him to be conscious of righteousness.

Sin's power is aroused by "what the Law makes sin." In other words, it is empowered by knowing what is wrong. The more I tell Jeshua, "Do not do this... Do not do that...", the more he will be inclined to do so. It is not going to train him in righteousness in the long haul. He would not be empowered to do what is right.

What we are conscious of, we do. If we are conscious of what is wrong, we will do what is wrong.

If I train Jeshua to be conscious of what is right, he will be empowered to do so as he sets his focus on what is right.

This means that if he is going to touch the power socket, instead of saying "Jeshua, don't touch or you will be hurt" (it will cause him to be even more curious about power socket), I'll say, "Jeshua, touch this stuff (direct him to another item), enjoy it as it is safe."

Instead of saying, "Jeshua, don't play with your food", I'll say, "Jeshua, the food is meant for you to eat."

Interesting how we deviate from the Scriptures so much because we based our parenting skills from our own experiences - how our parents parented us.

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