Sunday 9 November 2014

Long suffering

Last few days, Jeshua has been throwing tantrum. When he was told not to do certain things, he threw tantrum and started throwing stuff on the floor. As a result, he was disciplined by me a few times.

I'm always pleased with him, no matter what he does. But I'm not always pleased with his behaviour. The former has to do with his identity as my son while the latter, behaviour. These two are separated.

For one or two times, his tantrum got me a little frustrated. That's when I knew that I did not discipline him with 100% pure motive from my heart. The major part was to train him in the ways of the Lord, but there was a minor part which was caused by frustration.

I realise how long suffering God the Father is. A lot of times, we throw tantrum before Him. But He's always patient with us. Never once did He show His frustration. He is always GOOD in training us.

Help me, Lord, to be patient like You in training Jeshua.

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