Sunday 9 November 2014

God Sees

Recently, whenever I asked Jeshua to drink water (he doesn't like), he would act as though he's drinking, but I could see that he was not sipping from his water bottle at all!

I told him, "Papa can see. You are not drinking." And he would take a few sips. I wanted him to drink so that he stays healthy.

He's only 22 months old and he already knows how to act. I don't know if I should laugh or faint. But it reminds me that God the Father can see everything that we do and say. We don't need to try to hide things from Him. Neither can we think that He doesn't know. He knows all things.

Yet He is not trying to find fault with us. He wants to show us what is right and for our good.

The Cross is not the revelation of our sin. It is the revelation of our identity and righteousness.

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