Thursday 29 December 2022

Who Is Ruling The Governmental System?

Who Is Ruling The Governmental System?

I find it rather interesting whenever Christian leaders talk/preach about placing our trust in the local gahmen, for they believe that every decision is made for our good.

Because it's not Bible.

The Word does not teach you to trust in princes (Psalm 146). There is no command from God to trust in them. We are only told to pray for them (1 Tim 2:2).

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience... - Ephesians 2:1-2

The chief prince who is ruling the course of this world and the governmental system is the prince of the power of the air. There are many Scriptures that talk about it.

But none talks about trusting in them.

If we don't speak Bible from the pulpit, then it is mere human opinion that has no authority, no matter how mega your church is. It is presumptuous to call the sheep to trust the princes when our trust should be the Father.

The Under-shepherds will account for the instructions given to the sheep. For with great influence comes great responsibility.

Disclaimer: This post is not specifically written about any country, but in general.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Difference Between Praying and Hinting

Difference Between Praying and Hinting

Few days back, my son shared that he wanted something. I said, "It is not good (nor wise) for you to have it. So we won't be buying it for you.'

I added, "If you really want it, you ask Jesus on your own."

He proceeded to do it.

Earlier today, he said to me, "I feel that what I asked Jesus is going to come soon."

So I took this opportunity to teach him a principle, saying, "When you ask God to bless you with something, you do not tell anyone else. Otherwise, you are hinting others to get it for you and it is not from God."

I continued, "Neither do you tell anyone that you are praying to God for something, because that's not prayer. That's hinting. And it's not from God even if somebody blesses you with it."

"If you pray, you need to trust Him, and there is no need to tell others."

He nodded and asked, "But can I tell you and Mum?"

"Yes of course!"

There is enough of 'hinting prayers' in the Christian communities and even on the social media by Christians. For goodness' sake, this cow must be killed.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

What Kind Of Environment?

What Kind Of Environment?

Few days ago, my son and I were swimming in the adult pool before he went to the children's pool at the furthest end to play with a 5-year old boy.

When he came back, he shared with me that he just played with a 5-year old boy because the latter requested.

I often take the opportunity to practise hearing God's voice. So I said to him, "Don't tell me his name. I will ask Jesus."

He replied, "Okay! (Excitedly)"

I paused, and said, "I see the letter J... James."

He answered, "Correct!"

And we had a teachable moment right at the pool where God showed Himself real to my son over and over again.

Living and demonstrating His presence as a lifestyle in front of our child creates an environment where he realises that God is real and is not bound to the four walls of a church. God is not found in a religious activity, a Sunday school or a corporate setting. He is found wanting to engage with us in our daily living. He is more relevant than mere Sundays and mid-weeks.

Recently, we were asked if my son would like to join his friend for a church camp. We declined and said, "If it's a secular camp, we would be glad to send him there with your kid, because it is easy to separate what the world teaches and what the Kingdom teaches."

"But if it's a Christian camp, we would be very careful, because we do not know what it teaches, for religion that teaches half truths would make a child confused and it is hard to unlearn what he has absorbed as a young child."

It took many years for me to unlearn religion and re-learn the Kingdom, so we would not want to put J into that kind of environment.

Christian environment does not mean that it is always good. On the other hand, secular environment does not mean that it is always bad. I believe that the key is to know how to bring God in clarity into our child's environment.

P.S: Yeah we are a weird family. That's why we chose homeschooling and made decisions that are in the minority.


Monday 21 November 2022

Experiencing His Providence and Abundance

Heb 13:5 is in the context of finances. We often quote "I will never leave you nor forsake you", but we forget that He is referring (in this passage) to the needs of this world. While you are not of the world, you are in the world and would need what the Gentiles need.

However, if we pursue the wrong priority, we will definitely walk out of the Kingdom life.

His presence is the guarantee and the reminder of His promise in Heb 13:5. His presence is the assurance of His unfailing supply. 

The spirit of greed (wanting more money) disqualifies you from experiencing His presence.

But the spirit of contentment qualifies you to acknowledge His presence and receive His divine providence.

Bible knowledge does not equate to Kingdom living. It takes deliberate decision to act on the Word in order to experience His life more abundantly.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Is Earning Well Wrong?

Is Earning Well Wrong?

I was asked, "Wilson, is it wrong to desire to do well and earn more money to provide for our family?"

Sharing my five-cent worth...

The desire to provide for our family is godly, since God is Jehovah Jireh who provides. But the desire to earn more money (and do well) will become a powerful force of distraction for a believer to walk in the Kingdom.

In my industry, I haven't encountered a successful top Christian agent who walks in the Kingdom. At least among my limited network.

There is a reason why Jesus said that we cannot serve both God and Mammon. It is impossible to have both.

There is a reason why Matthew 6:33 exists and we are told to seek first His Kingdom.

There is a reason why the Word says that you cannot sow two kinds of seed in your field.

When our focus is on earning well, the Kingdom will take a back seat. While it is good to be thankful to God, testifying that God helps us to earn alot of money has little or no impact in the Kingdom. Why? Non-believers are also earning alot of money without God.

But what we can ask ourselves is this... 

"In the midst of earning well, how much impact have I done for the Kingdom?" 

"How much Kingdom-reality have I reflected in the midst of earning well?"

"How much I have given away to bless others in proportion to what I have earned?"

I am not a top-earner. I don't focus on earning alot of money. I wish I can, so that I can go around blessing people. But I know that if I focus on that, the Kingdom will take a back seat in my life.

The Kingdom is more important to me. And I am blessed to have a very supportive wife who doesn't seek after Mammon, because she knows my heart for the Kingdom. In fact, there are still alot of things I want to do, but I'm holding back in this season of my life.

In a nutshell, there is nothing wrong to desire to earn more, but we must weigh the impact we have for the Kingdom.

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Response To His Manifest Presence

Recently, in the daytime, I asked J, "People respond differently to God's manifest presence. Some feel heat/warm/fire; some feel electricity; some feel tingling, some feel wind/cool air, some laugh, etc.

What do you feel?

J: For me, I will yawn.

Papa: You will what??!

J: I will yawn when I feel His presence.

Papa: Are you joking? I have never heard before.

J: I'm serious. I yawn. I'm not joking.

I thought my son was joking. But I decided to test it out. When I released God's presence on him, he yawned a few times. Then, I asked him to speak in tongues and be connected to God's presence. While praying in tongues, 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐘𝐀𝐖𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!

I went to look up more about yawning. Apparently, to my surprise, excitement, anticipation, change of emotions, and even change of body temperature can cause yawning.

That's new to me. And I think my son is a pretty interesting boy.

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Stand Corrected

I have been educating my son since young that he is a good boy, not because of his behaviours and actions. He is good because Jesus made him to be good.

Because he's a good boy, he can choose to have good behaviours and actions.

Today I stand corrected by him.

I saw a teenage boy clearing his bowl and tray at the foodcourt. So I said to my son, "Look. This is a responsible boy."

My son replied, "No. He isn't a responsible boy because he cleared his tray and bowl. He is a responsible boy, therefore he cleared his tray and bowl."

Brilliant! He is absolutely correct!

Monday 10 October 2022

Property Testimony

Property Testimony

Met up with a couple friend cum clients as they wanted to explore options for their property portfolio.

After advising them on how to proceed, our conversations were mostly spent talking about God.

When they found out that my whole family is UV, they were pretty curious how we "lived" our lives despite having financial commitment as a homeschooling family with one sole breadwinner (who does not draw a monthly salary).

Thought this would be an encouraging testimony to those who are looking to the Father as the Provider.

No V no job policy made alot of people chose the V. Because some think that there is no other way for God to provide.

It came to a point where I couldn't enter the showflats; I couldn't conduct viewings; I couldn't return to the office. Yet none of these could cause me to compromise on what I truly believe in.

Crisis does not change you. It reveals what is inside of you. If Christ is in you, crisis squeezes Christ out of you. If God is our Provider, then we need to stop trying hard to orchestrate results and stop making choices that make ourselves bigger than Him as the Provider.

During that challenging period, I had property owner who suddenly contacted me out of nowhere, saying, "Wilson, I know that you are UV (cos I posted alot on exposing the hidden). Hence, I only want you to sell my property. Because I only trust you alone."

Yes. It's a privilege to be trusted by people. But the main thing to me is the powerful testimony of God's faithful providence as I put my trust in Him. He honours your faith in Him.

We often think that there is no other option when faced with tremendous pressure. But how much do we really trust Him?

May we as believers walk in a different spirit from the world.

You Become What You Pursue

You Become What You Pursue

We always become what we pursue. The pursuit of success will make you become more and more like the world. It is impossible to go after worldly success and remain kingdom-minded.

Yes on our lips, it is possible. But in our heart, it is impossible. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. What you pursue reveals your treasure and what your heart is truly seeking.

This is why the Bible tells us to 'Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness..." (Matt 6:33).

The Kingdom of God is not vague or mysterious. It is not so broad that we can simply put our own interpretations into it. The Word defines it clearly in Romans 14:17 that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.

The Gospel is the Righteousness of God revealed (Rom 1:17). And the Righteousness of God is Christ (1 Cor 1:30).

Peace and Joy are the results of having Right Standing with God. It is impossible to go after Christ, the Righteousness of God, and live without Peace and Joy in the Kingdom.

The opposite is also true. If we lose a sense of peace and joy within us, it reveals that the pursuit of our lives is not the Kingdom of God, but worldly success.

Your pursuit is what you become. If your pursuit is success in the world, you become like the world, no matter how much religion you put on your lips.

If your pursuit is the Kingdom of God, you become like Jesus. For He is Righteousness, Peace and Joy.

There is no option to have both the Kingdom and the world (mammon). He is a jealous God. Not jealous against you, but jealous for you. For He knows who you would become by your very pursuit.

Friday 7 October 2022

Waking Up To Bible Reading

Wah. The first thing he woke up to do today is to read the book of Judges on his own, before taking his brekkie.

When the inspiration comes, let him be and don't let him have his breakfast 😜

Expectations Of You

Expectations Of You

Both God and people have expectations of you.

People's expectations of you are often selfish in nature. They want you to be in a certain way because of lack in their lives. So they put their hope on you, in hope that you would meet their needs (aka expectations of you).

God, on the other hand, is different. His expectations of you are rooted and grounded in agape love, because He has great opinions of you. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐬 in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. - Eph 1:3

The word 'blessed' comes from the word 'eulogy' (in Greek). It means 'to speak well of'. God has good eulogy for you and me. 

Because of His good expectations of us (in Christ), He always spoke well of us. His eulogy for you and me contains every good, spiritual blessing.

How do you handle people's expectations of you? Ignore the expectations, because you cannot become what they want you to be. They need to grow up in Him, not you.

How do you handle God's expectations of you? Acknowledge the expectations, because God sees the possibility in you in Christ. And we need to grow into it.

Saturday 1 October 2022

A Breach Of Faith

A Breach Of Faith

If anyone sins and commits a breach of faith against the Lord... - Lev 6:2

The Old Testament reveals that sinning against the Lord is a breach of faith. It started from Adam. When he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he sinned. He committed a breach of faith.

For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. - Rom 14:23

I like to read a verse from front to the back and back to the front, and word by word, separating them and piecing them back together.

The opposite is also true. Sin is what does not come from faith. In other words, when we sin, we act contrary to faith. We commit a breach of faith. We step out of the 'faith-relationship' with God.

In the Old Covenant, sin could be unintentional and intentional (read Leviticus). In the New Covenant, every sin is intentional (and deliberate), because we have received the power not to sin (Gal 5:1). There is no unintentional sin. Every bit of it is by our deliberate choice.

Since every sin is a breach of faith against God, if we sin, we are saying, "God, I don't trust You in this area." Because we are not walking in faith (Rom 14:23).

In the real estate industry, each time when we feel that we need to 'make things happen', or exaggerate stuff, or exaggerate marketing gimmicks, or start telling white lies... we are saying, "Father, I don't trust You to provide for me. I will provide for myself." It is an intentional sin.

This is just one example. We are all not perfect yet in every area. But if we sin, instead of just asking God to forgive over and over again (which He did), we need to see from His perspective and ask, "Father, how can I trust You more in this area? Would You show me a greater revelation of who You are in this area so that I can walk free from sin."

Sin is just the fruit issue. Faith is the root issue. Unless we focus on the root, the fruit won't change.

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Revealing Himself Plainly

Revealing Himself Plainly

Jesus often spoke in parables to the multitudes, the Pharisees and His disciples. Parables bring division to the groups, because only those who genuinely seek Him will find out the truths in the parables.

His disciples always had the opportunities to dig deeper into the parables by communion with Jesus. It was part of their privilege as they had intimacy with Him.

Nearing the fulfillment of Jesus' assignment on earth, He made an important point.

“I have said these things to you in figures of speech. The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech but will tell you plainly about the Father." - John 16:25

'The hour is coming' has been used a couple of times to indicate the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. The way He speaks is going to change when the Holy Spirit comes (John 16:26-27).

This means that unlike what we were taught, Jesus didn't receive parables from the Father and then shared the parables with the people. He received plainly from the Father (through the Holy Spirit) and turned it into parables for the people.

In John 16, He told His disciples that He would stop speaking in parables (figures of speech) about the Father. The Holy Spirit would speak plainly about Him.

In other words, the mystery of the Kingdom is no longer going to be a mystery when the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples. This is why Paul said that "we have the mind of Christ" to understand the depths and the thoughts of God through the Spirit of God (1 Cor 2:10-16).

You receive what you believe. If you think that God's voice continues to come in parables, you will receive the parables. If you think that the Father is able to speak plainly through the Holy Spirit, you receive what is clear and simple.

Monday 5 September 2022

Technology for Kids

My son is 9 and in a few months' time, he will be 10. He knows very little about using an iPad and digital technology. My wife has asked if we should let him learn some coding/digital technology since almost every kid is exposed to it.

I shared my heart and the reason why we are homeschooling him. Because we do not plan to go with the flow. We have often been going against the tide, not that we purposely want to do so, but I guess God has given that assignment to us to will and to do according to His good pleasure.

Just last week, my niece-in-law said, "Uncle Wilson, you are living life on the edge." Though she was referring to something else, it was a good reminder of a quote that I learnt in YWAM which I haven't forgotten. It says, "If you are not living on the edge, you are just taking up space."

The nation that we have grown up with has provided us with so much comfort, that we have edged the Holy Spirit out. Is He really our True Comforter? He is most 'manifested' when we step into uncomfortable situations.

Recently, I passed my son an old iPad for him to do his Koobits. He was extremely delighted. But he didn't know how to use it. He didn't know how to download a photo and use it as wallpaper. Call me crazy, but I actually take delight in that ignorance. For I know his potential, and I know the strength of this new generation of kids. It's way easier for them to learn technology than to unlearn it.

While the iPad is given to him, there are restrictions. 

- No game is allowed to be downloaded 
- No social media is permitted. He can watch Youtube when one parent is present with him.
- He can only use the iPad with permission for the purpose of researching for information
- With the increase of his self-control and focus comes the increase of the usage of iPad

Why do we (as parents) make ourselves so miserable when we could have just thrown him the tablet and set ourselves free? Because responsibility comes with a price to pay.

One of my friends asked me, "How long are you going to protect him?"

I replied, "Until he is ready."

He responded, "How do you know when he is ready?"

I said, "I won't know until he is ready."

We often want tangible measures as Singaporeans. But there are alot of things that cannot be measured, especially when it comes to personality and character. I trust the Holy Spirit to guide us as we lean on Him, the true Father.

We love that our son is truly engaged socially with people of all ages when he meets them. A child who is so engaged with technology (at early age) will be disengaged when it comes to real-life conversations. I encountered so many of them. And this is one of the reasons why we make the tough decision to do what we do. #homeschooling

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Joy Is The Fulfilled Answer

Joy Is The Fulfilled Answer

For the believers, three things are unshakable: righteousness, peace and joy are not based on circumstances (Rom 14:17), since they are in the realm of the Spirit within us (Luke 17:21).

Peace is the result of an answered prayer, but through faith (thanksgiving), you get the result (peace) before the prayer is answered (Phil 4:6-7). If you have peace, you know that you have the answered prayer.

As long as we asked according to His will, we will have the answered prayer (1 John 5:14-15). Since the result is certain, peace is unshakable despite your circumstances.

To have unshakable peace, it is found in His presence.

You keep him in 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. - Isa 26:3

The Bible contains a string of truths. They are often interconnected. For the Scriptures cannot be broken.

Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. - Jn 16:24

Fulfilled answer brings joy. Yet in His presence, there is fullness of joy (John 14:22; Ps 16:11). Do we receive joy when our answer is fulfilled OR do we receive joy despite of circumstances? The answer is Yes.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈𝐒 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 of everything we are asking for. His presence is the certainty of answered prayers and fulfilled answers.

His presence is "𝐈 𝐀𝐌" with you. ' "𝐈 𝐀𝐌" your ever-present help in times of need (Ps 46:1).' In other words, 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞, which are the results of answered prayers and fulfilled answers.

When you receive an answer for your prayer, you receive peace.
When you receive the fulfillment of that answer, you receive joy.
But the GOOD Father does not want your peace and joy to be shaken by the immediate circumstances, so He grants you peace and joy BEFORE Him.

For he who comes to Me must believe that "𝐈 𝐀𝐌"... - Heb 11:6 (pronoun changed for clarity).

The moment when you and I acknowledge His presence, peace and joy are guaranteed in any circumstance.

Monday 8 August 2022

Financial Retirement

Sometimes we live in our culture for so long that we have confused the Kingdom culture with the worldly culture, and we put our own interpretation into the Word.

In the first world, our confusion is to mix worldly financial wisdom with kingdom financial stewardship. The Bible has never taught on financial retirement the way we are taught by the world. Jesus never mentioned it once. To draw a retirement principle from the book of Proverbs is to put in our own opinion that is rooted in the culture that we live in.

Remember: If your gospel cannot be applied in other countries, like rural areas or developing nations, then it is not the gospel.

As citizens of heaven, our financial "retirement" principle is this:

My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. - Phil 4:19

Read also Matthew 6:19-33 and Luke 12:13-34.

"Retirement is not a biblical concept. It is a cultural concept." - Tim Slothower, financial advisor.

P.S: The Levites in Numbers 8 did not retire. They simply had their responsibilities changed to serve elsewhere. It is not a principle for financial retirement anyway.

P.P.S: The book of Proverbs does teach about the wise storing up treasures (Prov 21:20). But since Proverbs is the book of Wisdom, 'treasures' mentioned in the book is often referring to spiritual wisdom (Prov 1:7; 2:1-7; 16:16; Col 2:3; 1 Cor 1:30). Yes, it might be interpreted as storing up money but you will have to deal with Jesus' words.

P.P.S: Jesus taught us not to store up treasures on earth but in heaven. It is not a contradiction since the Word is extremely consistent. He ended with 'where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.' In other words, while there is nothing wrong for you to save up for the future, your idea of financial retirement is not His idea. 'Financial retirement' is not meant for you to enjoy the rest of your life as what the world teaches us. It is meant to be used for others so that you are storing up treasures in heaven (1 Tim 6:17-19). 

In other words, when you store up finances, you are storing up treasures on earth. When you use them for others, you are storing up treasures in heaven.

The heart matters because it's a matter of the heart.

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Family Exploits

Excerpt from The Secret To Fathering
(Fathering Your Child & The Next Generation)

"We need more men to share on family exploits (parenting/fathering) instead of ministry exploits. The latter boosts men's 'achievement-oriented' ego, while the former is where the Kingdom flows.

The Kingdom begins with the family unit.

We have enough testimonies and examples of ministry work. The fact that men hardly talk about family exploits (parenting/fathering) proves that we tend not to focus on what we cannot achieve. We rather focus on public recognition and external affirmations instead of identity that comes from within (the family). This started from Adam and it is still part of the old man.

What we focus on will affect the culture around us. If we want to see a healthy family culture and the destruction of the enemy's agenda towards children and marriage, it begins from us ------ men in the family.

If you can't stop boasting but want to boast in some testimonies, it's time to talk about your family and fathering. If there is nothing to share, it is an encouragement for you to start spending time with your family and fathering your children, instead of giving your energy only in the public in order to get recognition and boost your ego.

Ministry work is no difference from secular work if the motivation is for achievement and recognition. It's a very thin line where nobody can see the difference by sight, but it can be perceived in the Spirit because God sees our heart.

Jesus was marred beyond human recognition on the Cross so that you and I can have His everlasting recognition.

Let's affect the culture around us by beginning with our own family culture."

Thursday 14 July 2022



God has His own set of ordinances. Exousia is His ordinance. The governing authority is His ordinance. We must remember that it is referred to the position of exousia, NOT the person/leader of exousia. While God ordained the system of governance, the leaders were not always chosen by Him. Do not be confused between the two, or it becomes an opened door for abuse and manipulation.

Similarly, God has ordained the position of a husband as the head of the wife. There is something very powerful as the head of the household. It is a privilege to be the head as a husband.

For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, His body, and is Himself its Savior. - Eph 5:23

A husband is the priest, the prophet and the pastor in his own family. When a husband refuses to step up his role as the head of the household, that is when the whole family unit turns upside down.

This is why I believe strongly that the man must be spiritually and practically leading the household. If the wife is stronger in the beginning, that's fine, but the man must grow faster in order to lead. Otherwise, there is a good chance for chaos, resentment and strife.

I don't have it perfect. I am still growing. But I have come to realise that every word and action that I say & do has an impact on my wife and son. It happens much more in the sub-conscious realm, instead of the conscious realm.

For example, my wife might initially disagree with my way of fathering and other stuff, etc. We might have disagreements because of these. Yet eventually, she would subconsciously pick up and follow suit, as long as I remain consistent without wavering and without compromising.

I realise more and more in recent years, because our time as a family (due to homeschooling and SAH wife) is probably much more than average families. This is when it dawns on me that my role as the head of the household is of significant importance.

If we husbands are not continually growing and leading, we would still be making an impact on the whole family ----- in a negative way. On the other hand, if we want to make a positive impact, we have to watch our words and our actions. We have to frame our thoughts and be intentional, exercising our privilege as the priest, prophet and pastor of our home.

Working hard and earning alot of money to provide for the family is a twisted earthly perspective and a wrong excuse, if every other area is neglected. It is not the heart of the heavenly Father. It happened in our father's generation. It is happening now in our generation. It is likely to continue in the next generation. This is a refusal to take up the role of God-ordained leadership at home.

And it's time to be awakened.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Seeking His Kingdom

Seeking His Kingdom

Last evening, my wife shared that she read the news about a guy who gifted a GCB to his wife at close to $200 million dollars for her birthday. She said that's crazy. Immediately, I joked with my wife, saying, "Can I go to China and work? So that I can become millionaire before I come back."

My wife replied, "You know you must be joking. That's absolutely impossible because it's not in your heart. Besides, God does not want you to focus on money. Because that's not God."

I affirmed what she said and replied, "Do not store up treasures on earth, but in heaven."

I'm so thankful to have such a wife of wisdom and grace. I cannot imagine if I have a wife who seeks money and riches. I cannot imagine if I have a wife who only wants comfort in this world. I cannot imagine if I have a wife who is materialistic and keeps desiring more and more of what the world can provide.

Recently, a friend and I spoke about Christian's pursuit of wealth. He asked, "Is it wrong to have more money so that we can bless more people?"

I answered, "It's a very thin line to go there. Many people started with good motive of wanting to have more money in order to bless others. But in the midst of pursuing that, they lose themselves. Because money is a powerful force. Jesus said, 'You cannot serve both God and mammon.'

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." The equation starts with seeking His Kingdom, not seeking money first. 

When we get the equation upside down thinking that we can use money for the Kingdom, we WILL lose ourselves and move away from the Kingdom unknowingly. And I have seen a big handful of believers like this. Their lips do not match their actions.

The priority must remain the priority. Otherwise, no matter how good your intention is, it remains an intention without a life lived.

Saturday 18 June 2022

Whose Voice Is It?

This morning, when J was doing his devotion, he heard god saying, "Sometimes, your prayer is not answered because of your behaviour."

When he told me about it, I replied, "This is not God. It's the enemy speaking like God. This is why I need you to continue reading and writing Bible verses. Because if you do not know the Word, any voice speaking to you will sound like God."

God does not answer you based on your performance. He answers you because of grace through faith. If He does the former, you deserve hell.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Hearing His Voice

Hearing His Voice

Many people mistake hearing the voice of God as intimacy. This is why they think that men and women of God (aka prophets) are intimate with the Lord.

Well, Jesus said "My sheep hear My voice." (John 10:27). If you are a believer, you hear His voice. It doesn't represent intimacy. It simply means there is a relationship.

You can hear the voice of your spouse regularly. It represents relationship, but it doesn't mean that both of you have intimacy. We need to be clear what intimacy really represents.

This is why some can hear the voice of God so accurately but they don't become like Him. They don't grow in character. Yet they are 'anointed' (in the term that we are used to) in the prophetic realm. Because you can train yourself to hear Him so accurately without intimacy just as you can train yourself to recognise the voice of a human without intimacy.

The Old Testament prophets and the disciples of Christ (before His resurrection) could hear His voice so accurately but they were not intimate with Him.

Intimacy requires surrendering. If we don't learn to surrender every aspect of our lives to Him, we can continue to hear Him accurately; we can continue to recognise His voice accurately; we can continue to prophesy on others accurately, but we will NOT grow in intimacy.

Intimacy with Him comes by surrendering and giving that area to Him. Only yielding can result in Christ-likeness, in becoming like Him in that area.

The proof of intimacy is not hearing His voice. The proof of intimacy is becoming Love (John 15:8).

Don't mistake hearing His voice with intimacy. Instead, hear His voice and start surrendering whichever area He tells you to, so that we can become like Him in nature and character..

Tuesday 31 May 2022


My son encountered setback today where he cried as a result of disappointment.

He was looking forward to winning a medal in sports carnival. Unfortunately, he was placed in a team where his team members were all weak in the sports. He tried his best, with full determination and effort. He also prayed that his team would win at least an award. But it didn't come to pass.

The whole encounter was made worse when he saw that his friend who was extremely weak in that sports received the gold award because she was placed in a team full of strong members.

This is a teachable moment that life is never fair but God is still good. Hard work does not always get rewarded because we live in a fallen world.

We acknowledged his disappointment. We allowed him to cry. And we had to process with him --- both disappointment with God and disappointment with the result.

I personally think that it is a good experience for him to realise that your prayer does not always get answered the way you want it to, and how people are involved in effecting the outcome apart from prayer.

I would rather that he experiences disappointment with God right early in his life (and have us processed with him), than for him to experience it late in life and turn away from God.

There are many learning points for him today, for which we are grateful.

Before he slept, I said to him, "I am so proud of you J, for who you are. And also you have tried your best today. That's more important than any award."

The reality of life is this... Those with awards are not necessary the good ones with diligence and hard work. To look at pure awards will be superficial in this world. But we have a God who looks at the heart and who will eventually bring every work into judgment and light.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Grateful But Not Complacent

The fundamental human rights that we took for granted in the past.

Grateful. But not complacent. Because we have learnt to be contented in various circumstances.

And we are ready to war the next level as a family when it comes.

Wednesday 13 April 2022


Generally, the school teaches about fairness.

But in the Koh’s family, we teach our son that there is no fairness in real life.

“Life is not fair, but God is good.” - This is our favourite motto whenever our son says, “This is not fair.”

We need to equip our kids with life skills, not academic brain.


Friday 8 April 2022

Increase God’s Fear

This afternoon, I wanted to try the new gummy that J bought with his pocket money. So I requested for one. He took one out of the small packet and handed me. At the same time, he helped himself to one.

Immediately, the number 3 suddenly flashed across the back of my mind’s eyes. So I said to him, “You are eating the third one. When did you secretly eat others?”

He gave the guilty look and confessed. He added, “How come you know?”

I replied, “You forgot that God knows?” He replied, “Oh yah.”

Looks like the fear of the Lord must increase and be reminded in his life. 

Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, His fear isn’t meant for punishment, but for living a life of wisdom (which is on the same side of Love).

Wednesday 6 April 2022

The Confidence In The Father

The Confidence In The Father

My son knows that whenever I say "Yes" to something he asks, I will do it. If I say, "No", I don't do it. So whenever he requests something, he always hopes that I will say "Yes", since I have to keep my promise regardlessly. Whatever I promise, I have to fulfill it. My son is confident of this.

So if I say, "Yes", he knows that it's a promise. And he will eagerly wait for the fulfilment of that promise, even if that toy (for example) takes a while to arrive into his hands.

1 John 5:14-15 says, "And this is the Confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests we have asked of Him."

Some believers think that God decides if He wants to hear us when we pray. What if I told you that He has already decided and you can have the confidence to ask and receive?

Unlike human fathers who might say Yes or No, God always says "Yes" if what you ask is according to His will. All of God's promises are "Yes" in Christ (2 Cor 1:20). So if you ask according to His promises, you are asking according to His will, and the answer is always "Yes". You don't have to second guess it.

Mark 11:24 says that 'whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.'

If my son keeps asking me (that is praying) for something, it means that he has no confidence that I would fulfill my promise. That would break my heart as a father. It means that my nature is put into question.

Praying is not the key to receive the fulfilment of His answer. Confidence is. You don't get what you pray. You get what you believe.

When you come to God for something that He has already promised in Christ (through all His finished works), the answer is already predetermined ------- a resounding "YES!!!" 

You can have the confidence that the request is already granted. You just wait in expectancy to receive the fulfillment (manifestation) of the answer.

Sunday 3 April 2022

The Fear of Daddy

While my wife and I were running some errands during his karate class, his friend asked him, “Would you like to play my Nintendo switch during break time?”

His classic reply —- “No. Because if I play it, my Daddy can see it, because God lives in him.”

Then he proceeded to share about God with his friend who is a free thinker.

There are many ways to evangelise. One of them is the fear of Daddy 😂😂😂

Saturday 2 April 2022

Homeschooling Reflection

In one of his homeschooling reflections on Responsibility, he wrote this on his own.

May he do what he wrote. #homeschooling

Wednesday 30 March 2022

F&S Day - Mask Off

F&S Day

A homeschooling kid has time to notice the little creature while walking on the pavement.

There was a joyful consensus when two Caucasians, on separate occasions, looked at us (and we at them), wearing a smile on each other’s face as we could finally see the complete being of a person.

This is what we want J to have —— appreciate LIFE, not KPI or achievements (including ministry achievements/performance), because all these will fade.

Phil 3:8-9 - Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him.

Sunday 6 March 2022

First Karate Carnival Competition

Joining first karate carnival competition…

Proud of him being the youngest in terms of experience!

The Love for Reading

For 2 years, Mummy has been trying hard to get J to cultivate the habit of reading, and most importantly, to love reading.

It had been a struggle on and off, because he’s born to be a very creative and active boy, and it’s challenging to get him to sit still. Some kids are wired to be readers, while some require faithful training.

Kudos to my wife’s effort! Proud of her!

Now he is enjoying reading and is embarking on Enid Blyton series (pure words with no pictures wow!). Seeing him reading on his own in the mornings and nights brings such delight to my heart.

The homeschooling journey pays off. It’s not easy but it’s rewarding. Parenting has no shortcut. Paying $$ for programs does not develop intrinsic values.

The growth we want to see in him is inside out, not outside in.


Tuesday 1 March 2022

Son’s 7-Day Fast

My son just completed a 7-day fast from every sweet thing including drinks.

The first two days were tough for him. He kept trying to ask for alternatives. But there is no grey area allowed for him.

If we don’t train him to learn patient endurance since young, it would be a problem in future.

Just as God rewards us when we have patient endurance, we rewarded him yesterday after he completed his fast. We gave him $10 to buy any snack from the supermarket. But it must be kept within the budget. He was excited. At the same time, he had to do his Math. There were several times he had to put back what he took after calculating the amount he was left with. So he had to plan and thought through how to make the best use of that $10. Discipline and self-control are an area lacking in the new generation, because parents generally focus on comfort and lifestyle more than intrinsic values.

We reckon that we need to train our children young, so that they would not succumb to convenience when faced with tribulations. Christianity did not promise comfort. In fact, the Comforter is here because He knows that you will be stretched in discomfort.

Patient endurance develops the joy of contentment. The joy on his face is my reward.

P.S: Soon he will need to fast from food, because he should experience hunger. Please pray that my wife doesn’t kill me. Thanks.

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Thursday 24 February 2022

The Presence Of The Father

The Presence Of The Father

One day, I posted my son this question...

Papa: J, would you like me to earn a lot of $$$, buy you many toys (whatever you like), but I would be very busy and I would not be able to spend much time with you?

J: No. I would prefer you to have time with me and play with me.

If your child chooses toys & stuff over you, it actually means that your presence is no longer enjoyable to him and perhaps your relationship with him needs much work.

Often, we think that the best gift we can give to our child is a good and luxurious life. But what a child really needs is the PRESENCE of the father.

As believers, instead of seeking God's gifts, His presence is the greatest gift to us. It is in His presence that we have the fullness of joy and pleasures evermore (Ps 16:11).

Similarly, as fathers in Christ, the best gift we can offer to our child is our PRESENCE. It is in our presence that our child develops identity, value, love, joy and contentment.

A child will not understand pockets of quality time. He desires quantity. It is in the quantity that you find quality. This will engrave in his memory as he grows up ----- whether he has an absent father or a present father.

As I look at my son, I see that he's growing up so quickly. 8 years have passed in a fleeting moment. I have never regretted making the decision to have more time with him. For this is God's entrusted ministry to me as a father.

Don't live in regrets for not giving your child your very presence. For you do not know what's tomorrow.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Living with Conviction

How do you know if it’s a conviction?

While compliance keeps changing, your conviction does not change in the face of adversities. It stays the same despite changing circumstances.

You can make friends with anyone, but only those with similar conviction should enter your inner circle. Because those who will let go of their conviction to comply in changing circumstances will one day walk out of your life.

Conviction has no place for excuses.

Build wisely and live your life with conviction.

Monday 14 February 2022

Kingdom Above Awards

Was there in the Spirit to receive the gift 🤣🤣 thankful for my manager to collect on my behalf.

Honestly, this is just a marketing gimmicks and I’m not afraid to say it and do it differently from majority. Since when do I follow majority? Lol. I’m first a believer. The kingdom is above my secular work, so while I am in the world, I am not of the world. My approaches and methodology must be different from the world. The love and the power of God supersedes every method you can think of.

Each time when property agents post about their awards, it’s to market himself/herself for greater awareness/publicity as well as to do recruitment. After a while, I just click “hide future similar posts” so that I don’t see these posts on my newsfeed. Cos I have many agent friends since I’m in this line and as you know, the real estate industry teaches everyone to keep posting their awards and commission earned.

Does it work? Yes. It does. If your eyes are on the world, you will bother to look at all these. If your eyes are on the Kingdom, you will see beyond all these. You see in the Spirit.

Award is least important to me (and my wife knows that I heck care about it), because I don’t like to market about this. Besides, which job keeps posting about their income? Lol. 

I’m honestly not a top producer. This is just a marketing publicity because each division is doing it. It has never been my pursuit or goal. I trust God to provide for me and my household. And I’m always ready to give this work up if God leads otherwise.

If most of my time is not spent living or preaching the Good News, then I am not a disciple of Christ.

Thursday 3 February 2022

Praying 福

“J, why don’t you show your cousins and tell them about Jesus?”

And he did. And prayed for coins to form a 福 on the wall.

Saturday 29 January 2022

Audible Voice

When I was praying in my room yesterday, J came to knock at my door.

He asked, “Yes, Papa. Did you call me, Papa?”

When I came out of my room, he said, “Did you call me just now?”

I replied, “No. But maybe it was God calling you like He did to prophet Samuel. Why don’t you go and ask Him?”

He went to pray and came back.

“Yes, He was calling me. He said that I will grow up to be a righteous man.”

For God speaks in so many ways. One of them is an audible voice.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Son’s 9th Birthday

Today, on my son’s birthday, I realise that he has the ‘gift’ of connecting with Caucasian girls. Not the first time, but more than 5 occasions throughout his life… I notice that this little Asian always connects well with the Caucasian and they would suddenly play together out of nowhere (as strangers). 🤣

Looks like we should really move to Aussie 😂

Ended off his birthday with Spider-Man celebration as he requested. As a quick learner, he’s creative, brilliant, tender-hearted and extremely sociable. With the gift of the gap, he can communicate with anyone and everyone regardless of their age. He’s such a loveable and precious gift to us. Mama and Papa love you 😘 😘😘